Get into the meditation habit and change your life.
Attending one of our structured 8-week courses is the start of your transformation.
A Mindful Practice is a new programme building a mindfulness culture within primary care to improve GP wellbeing and have a positive impact on clinical practice. This programme has been adapted for primary care and is currently focused on Gloucestershire and spreading into SW England.
Early results suggest that this very popular programme is having a highly positive impact on wellbeing on practitioners and their clinical practice. The Programme consists of 8-week Courses, Workshops, Practice Sessions and Silent Retreat Days. To join this growing community please get in touch to find out more.

Mindfulness For General Practitioners
Intended for GPs to learn about mindfulness and to use it in their own lives to improve wellbeing and resilience.
Or apply for the Mindfulness for better Mental Health or Mindfulness for Life courses